I think it's time to do something Bill Clinton obviously spent too much time lying to do: consult a dictionary.
v. topped, top·ping, tops
v. tr.
1. To form, furnish with, or serve as a top.
2. To reach the top of.
3. To go over the top of.
4. To exceed or surpass.
5. To be at the head of: She topped her class.
6. To remove the top or uppermost part from; crop: topped the fruit trees.
v. breached, breach·ing, breach·es
v. tr.
1. To make a hole or gap in; break through.
2. To break or violate (an agreement, for example).
So we are talking about water going over the leavees, while they stay in place, versus the water breaking through the leavees.
Sounds like a little bit of a difference to me, and likely WOULD make a difference when it comes to a disaster like that.
"Final thought: I just rented Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine. Frankly, it was the worst sports movie I've ever seen."
--Peter Schmuck, The (Baltimore) Sun