I started reading the replies after mine but my attention started drifting off and I went to read another post.
I must have ADHD.
I'm not dogging on you Astro.. but have you ever tried filtering your actions in your brain.. when you see the "I'm bored, let's do something else" action, pause and decide if its a worthwhile decision. Do you want to continue doing something that bores you, for long-term fulfillment? Or would you be more immediately and longitudinally happy by continuing to do it? If you'd be more happy doing it, continue doing it.. but realize that it will take consistent monitoring (polling) for the "imBored" event.
I liken it to a computer program, as I'm a computer scientist; maybe this metaphor will help you.
Main Loop // This is what your brain should ALWAYS be doing, repeatedly.
If (Necessary == true)
Repeat (Loop);
Break (Loop);
Function AnalyzeInterest()
// Bored, and thing I'm doing isn't important
If (imBored AND actionNotImportant)
return (Necessary = False);
// Bored, but thing I'm doing IS important, so I should stay focused
Else if (imBored AND actionImportant)
return (Necessary = True);
// I'm not bored, and the action IS important -- I should keep doing these actions.
Else if (notBored AND actionImportant)
return (Necessary = True)
Everytime you're doing something, analyze what you're doing and perform the necessary actions. Every loop, analyze if you're enjoying what you're doing. If you're bored and the thing you're doing isn't important, break out. If you're bored but the thing you're doing IS important, repeat the Analyze/Perform loop. And finally, if you're not bored and what you're doing IS important, repeat the Analyze/Perform loop.
This is what your brain SHOULD be doing. I think your problem is that you aren't "analyzing your interest" every time you do something, until the point where you do something you hate. Remeber to analyze whether it's (a) worth doing and (b) exciting to you. If it's neither, don't do it. If it's both, do it, and do it often. If it's either 1 or the other, consider whether it's important enough to cause boredom.