Originally Posted by aceventura3
Here is a fact: I pay 5% of my gross income on health insurance.
Here is a question: Why are you paying 20% of your gross income?
Irepeat myself because there seems to be a need to. If you don't agree with the logic in the points above, what kind of facts do you want to make you a believer. You seem to take a passive approach to your coverage, I don't, you pay more. You see, I just repeated myself again. I can't help it, so please ignore me if it bothers you.
You need to post hard facts, as others have done, not opinions.
Posting that you spend 5% of your income (which is false, part of your tax dollars already go towards health coverage in the form of Medic-aid and money you might otherwise receive in terms of a salary are instead diverted by your employer towards medical coverage) means zero. If you make, for example, 1 million a year, and you spend 5% that's 50 grand. If you make $100,000, then you are spending 5K. It doesn't mean anything to the overall debate.
The numbers that matter are things like percentage of tax dollars plus money paid by individuals for private coverage plus dollars paid by employers towards health coverage. Or, numbers such as percentage of GDP.
The paucity of such figures from "your side" of the debate is astonishing, and perhaps, revealing.