Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Saddam Hussein is no longer in power and the new Iraqi government does not have WMD's. Two things alone that were solved. UN resolution 1441 can now be disposed of and the cease fire from 91 is no longer in effect. Two more things solved. There is no more government sanctioned oppression of a certain sect of people due to a government that is representative of its people. Thats the biggest thing resolved.
The WMDs have been gone since the early 90s, and Saddam Husain's power was failing before the Iraqi war (thanks, ironically, to places like FALLUJAH, where Hussain resistence was growing). I suspect that we interfered with a building revolution. We all know that revolution from within is better in bringing about change than outside interferance, soooo....no to those first two (At least in my mind). In early December, 2002, Iraq filed a 12,000-page weapons declaration with the UN in order to meet requirements for UN resolution 1441. The UN and the US said that this failed to account for all of Iraq's chemical and biological agents. We went in and they had none of the chemical and biological weapons that the UN and US suggested. Iraq complied completly back in November of 2002. Wikipedia has a really grea article on 1441 (