back in the days when 24 was in its prime, i would consider stuff from the preview to be spoilers. even the most subtle image could reveal a lot about what would happen.
if a commercial for 24 would come on, my friends and i would cover our ears, shut our eyes and make loud noises until the commercial was over. going into an episode of 24 without knowing anything was a great experience and was worth the trouble.
i don't care so much these days, as it seems like the same things keep happening over and over, just with different cast members.... but for the sake of the people still into it, i'd say you should consider anything outside the latest hour (previews, commericals, whatever) to be spoilers.
Just think: Spoiler: how excited would you be if you had no idea that Kim and Tony were coming back next week, and then boom there they are... it's great fun.
Greetings and salutations.