Originally Posted by host
Last I looked, "we" had defined what was "legal" and what was not.....
Ain't that what I said. And...we can do it again...again...and again. I think you missed my point and I don't no how to make it any clearer.
Bush's "policies" have reduced the international reputation of the U.S. to that of a pariah, a "laughing stock", and the spectacle of being the sole Superpower that has lost it's ability to inspire or to lead.
Why do I care who laughs? The rest of the world simply needs to follow the rules that we establish.
Your advocacy for policies that no long seperate "us" from "them" (the evil doers), seems to isolate "us" from our former allies, and encourage or reduce us to more war of aggression.
When was the last time we were at peace? I say never. Given a constant state of "war" declared or not, there has not been "more aggression".
What are we fighting to uphold?
Since Cane and Able there has been a constant fight for power. Without trying to be fancy with words we fight to maintain power in the world.
Weren't they simply making their own rules because they were more powerful than their former Muslim countrymen?
Yes. And they declared war on the US because they want power. They want the power to control all women, power to control your religion, power to control your speach, power to controlyour life, etc. Don't you see that?