Originally Posted by ubertuber
Your faith in private sector - it seems you take this on faith... Am I right in this assumption?
Wrong. Views based on my study of history and economics. I don't pretend to be an expert, and my views do change occasionally. There is a positive role for government, but our current federal government is too big, growing to fast and too big a portion of our overall economy.
The healthcare system is not the same thing as pharmaceutical companies - having doctor visits paid for by taxes shouldn't affect whether some other company makes Viagra II or not... In fact, keeping healthcare and pharamceutical concerns separate strikes me as a good idea. I always feel uncomfortable when I go to the doctor and he's writing on my chart with a lipitor pen or using an allegra clipboard.
Medical innovation is more than pharmaceutical companies. R&D is the cornerstone of the quality of healthcare. Most RD in healthcare is financed in the good old USA by private companies. The world benefits from our R&D, but who pays the price? People in the US who have private insurance, those who pay full "retail" prices for medical care, and US tax payers. It is not fair is it?