if its fucking with your daily life, as in causing you serious issues(not finishing a book for leisure does not count) then speak with your primary care physician. They can suggest things such as therapy, behavior modification techniques and other methods for you to try. You have mentioned that you completed high school and college. For persons with true ADD neither of these would be possible without meds or behavioral therapy and modification. You just have a short attention span for things that are of little to no interest to you and this is perfectly normal. You seem to be doing ok, youve not mentioned one thing that points towards a disjointed, panic filled life.
I hate traffic, Im always looking for shortcuts, alternate routes and speeding. Im also known for changing topics mid sentance, walking 10 feet at work and forgettng what I needed and not finishing books. This doesnt mean I have ADD it means I have no interest and a lack of patience.
Ive had doctors try and tell me I have OCD, I dont. My handwashing rituals are for sanitary purposes. So what if Ive been known to wash my hands 90 times in a 24 hour period. I dont like stuff on my hands, it grosses me out 300%. I work in a kitchen I dont want my dirty hands on someone elses food. Im not late to work or school because I wash my hands too much, I havent been in trouble at jobs(even non kitchen related jobs I wash my hands at least 3 times an hour) I dont recieve any problems(ok dry skin) for it. Im a total neat freak too.. but Im not having any issues in my life with it.
the key with psychological diseases is they have to cause you MUCH distress in your life and you have to prove that to most doctors.
Like vitaminH said, if you've had amphetamines before and they didnt work, you dont have add or adhd.
the voices in your head are not real--but they still have some really great ideas.
always remeber you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family. But..you CAN choose the insane asylum where you have them all put away!