Thread: Asians
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Old 05-24-2003, 11:17 PM   #9 (permalink)
KeyserSoze's Avatar
Location: Lost Angeles
My X was Korean/American and the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It was love at first sight When my friends would meet her they all said the same thing "run for your life...this girl is going to do a number on you"...SHE DID!!

She had the softest skin and she tasted.......A W E S O M E!!

When she would give oral I swear her mouth felt like silk.

Her daughter made my decade, and I actually miss her the most.

We broke up and got back together twice, both times with her leaving me for a guy with more money.

Sometimes I really hate the bitch, but if she knocked on my door right now I would be thankful....especially after writing this and me thinking about her body..........fuck it..........I'm gonna call her
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