Originally Posted by The_Jazz
While I think that she certainly deserves sympathy, it's not because she has a psychopath exhusband who may or may not actually exist (can any mutual friends confirm his existence).
The husband definitely exists. Friends have met him, continue to interact with him, etc. Nobody who's met him thinks he's' a murderous psychopath; socially maladjusted, perhaps, and maybe a sick puppy, but not scheming-to-kill-you crazy. The thing is, HE says (on his myspace account, which L checks regularly) that she is crazy. He's really upset about the whole thing, etc. He acknowledges that he was not nice to her and cheated during their marriage, but everything else we've heard about their sick relationship has been from her. Now, this is the kind of thing abusive spouses will do - try to make everyone, including the abused spouse, doubt the abusee's sanity. So...I don't want to disbelieve her and find out later that she was telling the truth and now she's dead; but really, some of the stuff she's told us is beyond belief. Is it possible for someone to be repeatedly roofied and not recall anything that happens?