Damn, my big reply got lost in the nethers
The way you describe your ADHD, it is very mild if present at all. You've taken and succeeded at a college major, in Maths no less. You're highly functional and able. You cope very well with the ADD you have and it has little effect on your life.
If you're sure you have ADHD, learn about it and understand it. That will benefit you infinitely more than taking a drug to try to "treat" it. If you fight it, you're just fighting yourself. Perhaps if your life was an uncontrolled trainwreck of being fired, messy everything, hundreds of incomplete projects around the house, late for appointments, forgetting dates, piles everywhere, etc etc etc then maybe drugs would be a good option to try for coping with ADHD.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim