Perhaps I should just adapt to my problem. I did this in College with a choice of majoring in Applied Mathematics (Statistics). The problems changed with every problem set and I found that constantly changing homework (ie problem sets) were easier to focus on than completing one major paper over the course of a semester.
Here's my no-nonsense no-padding opinion. ADHD, and Adult ADHD especially, is a cop-out. It's a way for people to say "yep, I can't commit to doing anything completely, so it must be a disorder." I'm not saying that you're like this at all, but everyone experiences the "symptoms" of so-called ADHD. We're not focal beings -- we dont focus on one thing, because it gets us killed. We have predator eyes, and we see movement in our peripherals. There's about 100000 things biologically that dispose us for multitasking -- its more efficient. If you find yourself being "unable to focus" on something, it's likely because you're bored with it. If you're not bored with it, why didn't you lose focus an hour prior? Focus is a concerted mental effort that every person makes, and it won't be cured by drugs -- as you saw.
This is supported by your own assertion:
On the positive note -I have the ability (at times) to hyper-focus on a task. Everything else drowns out and I can show immense concentration on a single task. This doesn't last long and sometimes I can't concentrate -especially if the task is boring.
What you're describing is BOREDOM. When doing tasks we do not enjoy, or are bored of, "focus" is something that we learn to do. You either need to find things you ALWAYS enjoy (unlikely) or learn to focus during the parts that you will find boring.
That's my opinion. Focus is a learned skill, and you should practice it more.