Thread: Asians
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Old 05-24-2003, 11:04 PM   #6 (permalink)
I really had no extra attraction to asian girls until I dated one. In fact, I would say that growing up I was culturally biased against asian women, finding them less desireable just because I was "trained" socially to like girls who looked like me (girls who were white).

But after finding out an asian girl liked me I decided to take a chance and we went out for awhile. Now I would have to say that I am skewed toward asian women and would def. like to date another one.

I guess this is also related to the fact she was the last girl that I had strong feelings for, and you usually dont forget or lose those feelings until you meet another person.

Anyways, my friends always are giving me trouble and proding me when ever an asian girl walks by, etc, but I think they are just too afraid and culturally close minded to date outside their own ethnic group.

Physically I guess it would be the dark hair and nice skin, and (stereotyping mode on) asian girls seem more laid back, smarter, and less concerned with things that don't matter than other girls (sterotyping off).

Also I have been drinking

Synopsis: Didn't have a thing for asians, went out with one, now would like chose one over another non-asian girl.
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