Originally Posted by martinguerre
As for the right to retaliate? It depends. Do we as Americans have the right to export violence at our judgment? Do other nations? What legitimates a war? I don't think there are hard and fast answers...but there is a point to seeing the working of the logic that legitimates terrorism, even if we remain in strict disagreement with the conclusions.
Perhaps "right" is not the best word to use. But if someone is responsible for contributing to the harm of another, justice can be sought. Do people have a "right" to justice, I don't know. What I do know is people seek justice. The history of the human race suggests that if you are responsible in part for harming a group of people, odds are that they will "export violence".
So if we continue to perpetuate this thought that the US is responsible for the actions of people like Saddam in the middle east we will forever be at war.