Adult ADHD
I think that I have Adult ADHD. I was diagnosed with this disorder when I was a child... but nothing was done. Way back in 1983, (even then they thought that this disorder was overdiagnosed) and put me on Ritalin for a trial run. The conclusion was that Ritalin did nothing for me.
As an adult, I find that it is difficult finishing things. I have started many paintings which I just get board with after a while and don't finish. When having discussions with people -I often jump from topic to topic -which others find irritating.
On the positive note -I have the ability (at times) to hyper-focus on a task. Everything else drowns out and I can show immense concentration on a single task. This doesn't last long and sometimes I can't concentrate -especially if the task is boring.
Even while writing this -you will see that I spend one or two sentences on a particular point and move on. I usually can't expound on something more than this. I am off to my next point and forget what I was thinking anyways.
I've heard great things about Adderal. Does anyone have experience with this drug?
I am also interested in hearing from others who may have experience with this. Will treating my ADHD effect my personality and change who I am?
Perhaps I should just adapt to my problem. I did this in College with a choice of majoring in Applied Mathematics (Statistics). The problems changed with every problem set and I found that constantly changing homework (ie problem sets) were easier to focus on than completing one major paper over the course of a semester.