Originally Posted by jth
...One friend in partcular currently is depressed and contemplating suicide....
Woah, hold on.
Has your friend said this to you? If yes, this is where you stop typing, stop reading this post, and get a hold of somebody where your buddy lives and get him some help. What kind of help? The suicide hotline help kind. Professional help. Look online for TOLL-FREE lines to call, and then talk to someone. When your friend tells you that they are thinking about killing themselves, that is the time when everything stops, and the help starts. Don't worry, this post will be here when you get back. Go on now...
Back? Good.
Don't believe that there is nothing you can do. Fuck that. You can get information from your school counselling centre, you can contact his family, you can mail him a "Feel Better" card with a beer token to be redeemed for a night of drinking when you two get to the same city.
There is a drowning person, and you are standing at the dock. Do you have the stones to try and help? Can you look at yourself 20 years from now and say, "I did everything I could..."? I am telling you right now, you can do more.
Another important thing: Your buddy has opened up to you, and trusts you. Don't piss that away.
Don't worry about not being able to see him or talk to him. You can do alot from where you are. There is shit you can do, where you are and for free. Ask a professional for help. By professional, I mean someone in the medical community. Don't take "I can't help you" for an answer. Ask "Can you tell me who can?" and then go talk to THAT person. Explain that there is a suicidal person that reached out to you for help, and all you are trying to do is save their life. You don't want money, or fame. All you want is for your friend to live.
Do something. When you hit a wall, and there is nothing left, Do something more. Don't give up on this. That is not what friends do. Don't make excuses (distance, time, money). Take care of yourself first (study, eat properly, get some sleep, talk to people about YOUR problems) and then save someone's life.