Man...i just have to laugh.
Did you know?
There's no such object as a religion?
Religion is a category of analysis imposed by western scholarship on certain patterns of behavior. But that doesn't mean that there is any such thing. Which is why it's hysterical to watch you so confidently declare that Nazism was a religion.
Religion is a made up word anyhow. You might as well be saying that it's a Thunderblatt for as much as it matters. There's no ontological affininty between "religious" rhetorics that makes them violent or non-violent...all this is a grouping of unlike objects into the same category of analysis in order to make a point about that same category of analysis.
This circularity means that this thread tells us infinitely more about how you think about "religion" than it does about the same.
For God so loved creation, that God sent God's only Son that whosoever believed should not perish, but have everlasting life.
-John 3:16