I was raised Catholic, and am currently a non-denominational Protestant Christian attending a Unitarian/Universalist church. My wife is a Shinto Buddhist, and my Sister a . . . regular? Buddhist. I'll have to ask her. Her version is slightly different from Grace's. The differences in our faiths don't cause any conflict at all, and it isn't because it doesn't come up; we do discuss things, and I've adapted a little bit of Sissy's Buddhist philosophy and a lot of Grace's Shinto as a part of my own spirituality.
I've never felt unwelcome here, or for that matter anywhere, as a result of my being Christian, though it does seldom come into play, as I tend to avoid Politics and Philosophy. They just tend to get too contentious for me to really give the thought that I should to a debate there.
Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
It's "in" to put down christians these days. After all we are all loud mouthed evangelical homophobes. And your majority comment has zero bearing on the situation as the vast majority of christians are your average joes/janes trying to live their lives, yet they get knocked by an insanely loud and rabid minority.
Hee hee. I'm pretty sure I'm absolutely the last person here who would be called an loud-mouthed evangelical homophobe.
Originally Posted by ubertuber
In a way I think that no religious person will feel truly welcome or understood outside of their own community.
I think I can truly say I've never been made unwelcome anywhere as a result of my religious beliefs. I've been told, fairly recently in fact (not here), that I'm not really a Christian because I'm a lesbian and in a homosexual marriage, which means that I don't believe biblical teachings or live my life in Christ, but that's an objection based on my orientation and their religious beliefs, not having anything to do with mine.
Originally Posted by ubertuber
Abaya - your last post changed my perspective on this thread. You're asking if Christians feel comfortable on TFP (as in if it is compatible with their faith), not if TFP welcomes Christians, right? That's pretty different, and I'd be interested in hearing how Christians reconcile the possible differences...
I don't feel a need to reconcile them, just as I don't feel a need to reconcile my orientation with my religion. I see no conflict to be resolved.