So, Smooth, do you think Christians feel welcome here?
Not that I expect you care, from your post, but I'm curious.
Can you tell me who in this thread identified themselves as a Christian, jumped on some else to prevent them from posting, and then simultaneously whined about feeling persecuted, etc.?
And is this directed towards me?
OR, the persecution christians feel on this board is their own concsious, the thing they claim they can't possibly have without a deity sticking it in them, so maybe it's your god telling you that you aren't acting like he says you should, well because you aren't mainly. but your own guilt isn't any reason to go beating on other members; if you're that conflicted about your place on this site, then go practice what the old monks used to do, go ole ascetiscm. beat on yourselves while creeping up and down some stairs--but don't take your guilt out on non-christians, or other christians, who don't particularly see the relevence of your religious orientation in every speck of their lives or internet responses.
If it is, does that mean you think I am a Christian? To my knowledge I haven't posted my particular religious persuasion in any particular thread.