The change I've seen was definetly not right from the pump. At first the needle was moving at the same rate it seemed on the last tank, but now I'm about 2/3 of the way thru the tank and It seems to be not falling so fast (I remember where my trip odometer was at certain levels last tank, and it's higher now at those same levels).
I'll try and avoid Pep Boys then for the diagnostic, I said them because there's no Autozones near me. I'll check the yellows for a parts store near me.
I should also reiterate that this efficiency drop was not sudden, sorry if I gave that impression, but it's been rather gradual since about November. November is also the same time I increased my city driving and I'd scratched it off to that, however it seems to have deresed more over the past months, but when I broke down my recent driving habits with that mechanic I talked too, it seemed like it could almost be chalked up to that.
Cyrnel (or anyone), can you recommend a good website with a tutorial on doing some work myself. I admittedly know next to nothing when it comes to this, and I'd hate to get in there and muck something else up worse. I'm generally fairly technically minded so I'm fairly sure I'd pick it up relatively fast.
Off to google...
EDIT: I found an autozone not to far from here and when I spoke with them I was told that the Check Engine light had to be on in order for their computer to get the code dump. Can anyone confirm/deny this? My light is not on, I told whomever answered the phone my gas mileage was declining and I just wanted a code dump to see if anything was wrong, and they told me the light had to be on else they would get no reading?
I also see that chanigng plugs is pretty dang easy.
"Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever."
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Last edited by VitaminH; 02-26-2006 at 02:49 PM..