Glad they did it, can't wait until it makes its way up through the courts, at the very least I'm hoping this will put some power back in the hands of the state. I take issue with the stance that people something thing Abortion is an inalienable civil liberty; derived from a very suspect line of reasoning in Griswold V. Conn, the right to privacy. Roe to me is a joke of no legal muster, and what is a perfect example of judicial activism.
Are people here really big on the concept of euthanizing mentally or physically deficent fetus? What's the difference then between said deficent fetuses and regular mentally handicap people? They are nothing but a drain on our resources right? Inconvient, why wouldn't they be expendable? Also let us not forget that blacks are not people, that's why Dred Scott had no standing to sue for freedom. Oh and Hitler was right about the jews too, they aren't human, expendable therefore.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.