The above post is what I consider to be the norm when discussing things "christian" on this board.
Very few people on this board actually give a shit about each other's religious orientation. Maybe those kinds of understandings are relevent at church, or on a board centered around religion, or even in some topics on this board.
But many "christians" profess their orientation on this board purely to set up a distinction about themselves from other members. And then, the irony I see anyway, is that when an otherwise normal person voices his or her opinion, a "christian" jumps his or her shit until they just stop posting and simultaneously whines about persecution, hypocrasy, & etc.
"Unbelievers," and hey wouldn't you know that believers too, presume a high moral standard when someone says they are christian because, well shit, that's the point of the claim. It's almost always the point of the claim when christianity is used in philosophy, politics, and as one's "moral compass" in many other walks of life as we often witness espoused in the general discussion board, too.
Now maybe Zyr was referring to eating pork or shellfish, or sleeping next to a woman on her mense, or any number of "minor" or "old" things christians refuse to do in their daily lives under the guise that they aren't necessary anymore but more often than not are just ignored because they present inconveniences and/or are things the christian actually likes to do. And perhaps a christian could debate why he or she ought not have to follow such rules anymore--yeah those things are contested ideas to some, I'll admit.
But I don't see how anyone could wrap their heads around the notion that you aren't supposed to lust, either under the "old" rules or the "new." And looking at naked women and thinking about fucking them is just as bad, so the scripture says, as actually doing it...but hey, "Perhaps -- PERHAPS?" that's just some bias of mine creeping in when I wonder about all these pious christians roaming this particular web-hub of TFPorject.
OR, the persecution christians feel on this board is their own concsious, the thing they claim they can't possibly have without a deity sticking it in them, so maybe it's your god telling you that you aren't acting like he says you should, well because you aren't mainly. but your own guilt isn't any reason to go beating on other members; if you're that conflicted about your place on this site, then go practice what the old monks used to do, go ole ascetiscm. beat on yourselves while creeping up and down some stairs--but don't take your guilt out on non-christians, or other christians, who don't particularly see the relevence of your religious orientation in every speck of their lives or internet responses.
and, btw, you aren't "forgiven" unless you stop the sinful behavior.
'member that lil part about every time you sin you recrucify your christ?
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