Originally Posted by zz0011
My! The sincerity of your bombasity warms the cockles of my heart!
What beliefs do you believe don't hold up to scrutiny?
Oh, wait, since you don't hold any religious beliefs, perhaps it's simply stupid to ask you. Unless, of course, you're omniscient?
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Not.
The point that I was trying to make was that while a large majority of the christians I have met, follow their religion blindly, not questioning it, almost none of those kind reside here. I think I would have been better off just stopping after the first paragraph, but the end of the second was there to make clear that this was not something I felt about TFPers.
The fact is, that many people believe things that they may not, if they thought about it more, and not just religious things.
I try to go through things logically, if I can, and that is the reason I hold no beliefs. Nothing I have seen holds up to my own logic. Of course, there are things that logic cannot deal with, especially in religion, and I respect that, but there are things that it can deal with, and some people seem to just ignore the logic that does exist.
For example, seeing as I would be asked for one other wise, many christians say that the bible is the literal word of god, but do not act as if it were so. That's just not right.