Frustration of a 5 year old....
Why doesn't this make sense? I can't figure out what this all means. I draw beautifully and then my teacher says it isn't good or isn't right. I look over the chalkboard and I copy the pictures perfectly and out of order like she does on the board. Yet when I do it, she sends me back to my seat or erases it for me and tells me to try again. These pictures don't look like people or animals like I usually draw, but I'm getting good at it. But whenever Friday comes around I can't remember what these pictures are supposed to say. She stands beside me and says '/t/../t/../t/' and I stare at the 26 new pictures and I don't know which one to write. Why is it that I can draw so neatly, but I can't remember what they say?
**inspired by one of my if I could only help him more