"There are always alternatives, but perhaps these aren't acceptable to us modern people. We seem to be unable to deal with groups of people refusing to follow our way of life. If people misbehave and terrorize everyone else, we apparently are too civilized to put an end to it. We're always trying to understand them, to help them, but perhaps that's part of the problem? I'd say that by trying to understand and help them, we're reinforcing their idea that they're the victims?
As an example of the Dutch version of this: a couple of years ago, there were reports in the media about a group of Maroccan kids running amok in a certain area of a large city. They demanded a place to hang out (or else). What'd we do: we gave them a building to hang out in. IMO we should have send in dozens of police officers in riot gear and kicked the **** out of them...
The "we're the victim" reaction is reaching really silly levels. We've had large groups of people (Muslims) protesting because a known violent (Islamic) guy, threatening people with large knife, was shot by police. His friends and family demanded an investigation (and conviction of that police officer) because the "victim" was a good person, and hadn't done anything. They're *never* at fault, it's always the rest of us.
This seems to be the international norm with many Muslims: it's always the West, the US and/or the Jews keeping them down. It's never their own fault.
(I'm kinda frustrated about this... hence the massive generalization.)"
I agree with you. in that situation with the kids demanding a place to hang out, i am just surprised that is how the community responded. because they want something and act uncivilized to get it, they should get what they demand for?
i think you're right about the whole "victimization" problem. if they see themselves as victims all the time, then is everyone else who is at fault. the media is definetely partly at fault, but it is time for them to take responsibility. i too am sick of " its the US, the jews, 'white man's society' that is at fault" mentality that so many people have.