No, I doubt he is 'trying' to cockblock. He's doing it unconciously, because I guess I am his "anchor in a tide of newness", to quote AngelicVampire. The funny thing is he *does* know people there its just they probably don't want to talk to him either..
Originally Posted by AngelicVampire
however if you want to move off for a while talk to the person, or help them find someone else to talk to/meet... probably a lot of the problem is casting off rather than sailing once you are therre.
Err, I tried that once. He asked me some question about my club (I guess because he didn't know what else to talk about) and I just asked a girl in my club to please explain it to him (I passed it off in a smoother way). He wasn't able to keep the conversation going with the girl long enough.. or barely at all. Or wait, now that I think about it, the girl didn't really want to talk to him either.
Yeah, I was frustrated because he was doing subconcious things like blocking me off into corners too, whereas if he had not stood there at that spot I could have easily branched off into a subconversation with a few other girls as well (who were nearby). It was a situation where I ended up standing behind a table and his spot was the only 'exit' that I had. I had to make due with throwing away my coke can to get out, but then by that time the said closeby girls were not closeby anymore.
Then as I tried to make a cool solo exit he even followed me out of the event. Argh. I got tired of it and I just told him "see you later I have to go pee" and I hit the bathroom.
I just don't see how some ppl can be so socially unaware. So when you guys say "I am like that too" I doubt you are *this* unaware are you?