thanks for the humor stevie... this threat was starting to get a little bit depressing. I'm not sure it shouldn't, though.
Are we on the verge of a post-technological revolution dark-ages? Try not to infer a predicted time period for this dark-age from the question, it's meant to be as vague as it sounds. From this thread, it seems that the breakthroughs of medical science are being more rapidly accounted for by nature than we can account for in science. We're nearly out of oil, pandemics are threatening to kill millions, and more and more nations are finding it easier and easier to develop nuclear weapons... our technological advances, particularly in medicine, seemed to put an end to the debate on whether progress is real or not. Antibiotics alone saved countless millions of lives, that one single breakthrough. Were our historically recent breakthroughs in technology and science just that, mere breakthroughs that stop and end, eventually to be left in a place where we wonder if progress is real or not once again? As nature undoes antibiotics, will it also undo everything else we've accomplished, all their other miraculous demonstrations of progress we've made to each other and ourselves?
yes, it's completely off-topic, but it seems to be where the trains of thought in this thread will eventually lead. I suppose that's why they call it a thread, because it can be weaved in many intricate patterns.
I can't tell if we need more humor, to keep us from thinking these sorts of rediculous things... or if this is exactly what is happening, and we need to be seeing it clearly. In any case, I know I don't have enough information to make a judgment. I feel like that means I shouldn't worry about it, and yet, if I don't worry about it I won't seek out the information that will allow me to see things as clearly as I can... Maybe I'm just crazy, in which case, forget I ever said anything.
I rant. I do it often. Forgive me.