Originally Posted by percy
Well some guys are talented that way. A former boyfriend used to pull it out and shoot his cum on me after the first squirt hit the wall behind my head. We would have a ball laughing at his ability. I would even start laughing before he came cuz I knew it would be all over the place. I won't even get into when I would squeeze his balls when he came. You'd practically need a windshield.
Now balinski, no offence to you or your partner but, it's sex. Sex get's messy sometimes. Tell your partner to lighten up. It's only hair. That's what shampoo is for.
I would be willing to change my opinion on this as my sample size of seeing guys cum is pretty small, but there has GOT to be a video or two of this for proof. Working twords bad blue balls you can greatly increase your distance, but the OP is having sex every other day.
Also it doesn't change the fact that aiming is something boys start to learn about age 4, so distance should be moot.