Originally Posted by Ustwo
So are you trying to imply that Waco is Bush's fault? If not why bring it up?
Logic path here....
Bush Sr. - We are worried about this group in Texas, they are stockpiling weapons and may be abusing children.
Clinton - Ok we will deal with it.
*pile of bodies later*
Left - Its Bush's fault!
The ONLY reason Ruby Ridge was not made into as big deal by the press as it deserved was that it was a white supremisist as the victim. Just think what would have happened had they done the same to a hippy commune.
You left out an important factor in your dialogue there.
Bush Sr. - We are worried about this group in Texas, they are stockpiling weapons and may be abusing children. This is the plan our guys have drawn up for it, we'll surround them for a week playing bad music, then go ass crazy shooting everything in sight.