Originally Posted by aceventura3
I guess it depend on how you define civil war. If you use the traditional definition - two sides having a government, territory and an army, the answer is no. But there is clearly a fight for power between groups in the country.
I supported our preemtive strike against Iraq and removing Sadaam from power. I am now at the point of believing it is time to bring our troops home. Iraqis need to get their own house in order, they need to take a more active role in defining their future. They need to decide what they are willing to fight for - good people need to take a stand against those who promote death, destruction and terrorism. I am concerned that they will forever rely on our military if they know it is available and that they will alway have an excuse by blaming America for death and destruction of Iraqi against Iraqi - Muslim against Muslim.
Well, that's what happened. We went yeehawing in there guns a-blazing. Our plan was to be greeted as liberators. When that didn't happen, a massive black hole opened up where our leadership should have been. We've been targets and our presence has been incitement to violence ever since. Iraqis who supported and worked with the US are targets now too.
But here's the bad news: we can't just bail, either. We have a responsibility to rebuild what we destroyed. Leaving now would guarantee that we're forever seen as a force of cruelty, destruction and division in the muslim world. It's a deeply shitty situation, and neither solution is good.