And I have a few questions if anyone can help. I could ask the local Home Depot or somthing, but there was 9 million people in there last night. Didn't feel like hanging around waiting.
My wife and I bought a house a couple years ago, and it was a HUD Home that wasen't trashed, but it needed work. It's a 4 bedroom 3 bath house, built in the early 70's. The house was converted to forced air (I would assume, all the houses in the neighborhood are baseboard and the "boiler room" was converted to a bathroom. I dunno what else to call the room.

) and we've finished all the work except the bathrooms. Now, when the bathroom was converted, the heat register comes out of the bottom of the cabinet, laying sideways, but sitting vertically in the bottom of the cabinet.
What can I do with tile around the heat vent since it basically goes all the way to the floor? I dont want a gap between the tile and the new cabinet along the entire bottom where the heat register comes out.
Slate tile, is it possible to do slate tile in a bathroom, since some of the pieces are not the same in height, what do I do about putting it under the toilet?
Sub-floor, since the house was built in '72 the subfloor in the one bathroom is pretty trashed. I took the floor up to look at it since no one uses the bathroom in the basement. (Well, we do now that it's been finished and remodeled, but at the time, no one did) and part of the subfloor near the tub was really, really bad. But the wood goes in one piece, under the tub. I ned to remove the tub to replace that section of flooring? Or can I just cut away flush with the tub and replace that measured piece of wood?
-- Joe