I used to have that problem, and then I went on depression medication (for other reasons). Believe it or not, the medication cleared up any and all of my motivation problems. Talking with my doctor about it, she said she believed that my procrastination/lack of motivation probably stemmed from my low-grade clinical depression.
The only time I've had the problem with motivation since is when I'm off my medication (usually because of lack of funds).
Furthermore--knowing you're a college student, USE YOUR RESOURCES. Go to the campus counseling center and see what kind of free sessions they offer--and I guarantee they offer workshops on everything from time management to depression to procrastination to relaxation.
When I lose my motivation, the biggest thing I do for myself is write it all out--I write down EVERYTHING I have to do into one big list, set dates/times by which those tasks have to be done, and then I do them. As I go along, I cross off what I've done emphatically so I can SEE I'm making progress. When I was taking classes I had a system for this. Basically, I'd take a sheet of notebook paper and write down all of the days of the week. Then I would write down what was due for which class on that day. Then at the bottom of the sheet would be my "To-Do" list, like laundry, cleaning my room, etc. For example:
ENG 485: pgs. 1-150, Fisher; Foucault selection, RP (reading packet)
ENG 416: pgs. 1-100, Dickens; two-page essay
HST 404: pgs. 1-30, History of Sex; pgs. 1-75, Sexuality; reading response
WS 480: Meyerowitz selection, RP; four-page reading essay
PHL 315: pgs. 1-45, Diamond Sutra; reading quiz
(and so on...)
All the larger dates (tests, major papers, projects, etc) were kept on a monthly calendar on my wall where I could see what I had coming up.
Being a very visual person, SEEING where I had to be and when was huge.
You might also try setting an alarm for when you have to leave for class or whatever. I found alarms were also quite helpful in getting me off my duff, or having a roommate remind me that I had to go.
Good luck.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau