Bears are big carnivorous animals that eat soft fleshy things resembling humans. Just because we're human beings, the bears should just know better? They have to be diseased to bite something pink and fleshy in their territory?
These bears were kept at a distance from areas where humans normally were, and I assume there were signs if it was a restricted area. They don't put signs and fences up because they expect the bears to bat their eyes at the human beings in the park.
All it would have taken is a tad of parental responsibility and common sense to avoid this.
It's really a shame that animals are killed for being animals in the face of human stupidity.
Also...every time a domesticated dog bites a small child, the animal is NOT put to sleep. From the sound of it, this
wild animal did no more damage than someone's pet dog would do. I don't really understand the logic here.
"Trained" dog bites someone - it is scolded and brought home.
Wild bear bites someone - it is killed, because bears definately should know better?