MacGyver all the way.
Dalton rushes in with a right jab to the jaw, MacGyver goes down. As Dalson moves in for a few rib shots, MacGyver pulls out a pen and shoots Dalton with a rudementary projectile weapon. Dalton falls back, dazed and injured. MacGyver suddenly spots Jack Dalton, and becomes desperatly confused, because there are now two J. Daltons. This allows James Dalton to jump to his feet. MacGyver solves a 2000 year old puzzle and constructs a laser, despite the laser not being invented until 1957 by Charles Townes and Arthur Leonard Schawlow, which MacGyver knows. As James Dalton moves in for the kill, the laser vaporizes him. MacGyver says something clever to Pete, the screen freezes, and the series was created by Lee David Zlotoff and executive produced by Henry Winkler.
Why did MacGyver win? Because MacGyver is so famous, he is a slang verb. I MacGyvered this post, in fact.