"I am concerned that they will forever rely on our military if they know it is available and that they will alway have an excuse by blaming America for death and destruction of Iraqi against Iraqi - Muslim against Muslim."
This hits the nail on the head. I'm following your point (I think), but I doubt if anyone can argue that this sentiment applies to Iraqi population. It makes perfect sense when applied to the rest of world (ROW). Everyone has a stake in how this plays out, yet few are taking an active role, for the reasons you described in your quote. The unfortunate thing is it results in this sentiment...
"I am now at the point of believing it is time to bring our troops home, Iraqis need to get their own house in order, they need to take a more active role in defining their future. They need to decide what they are willing to fight for"
I think Iraqi's have shown their willingness to do this. The ROW is in a very convenient position (well, at least for the next two years) of sitting back banking on the United States creating a situation that everyone can live with, cursing them all the way.