I understand and that's cool; just the whole thing is as a precept, catholicism started the whole thing. And for the record Mary isn't all iconic, but she is to be revered for us, amongst Christians it seems she really isn't, she is merely a birthing vessel.
To each there own, I don't judge you nor say you are wrong or hold it against you or anyone that your beliefs might be different then mine. It's funny growing up I had one of those old school Vatican I style grandma's, you know if you weren't catholic you go to hell. For me that is the basis of my dissention on organized religion. As a christian/catholic it never made sense to me that even as a Christian you only represent what, 1/5, maybe 1/4 of the world population, right? Seems awfully lame that some all loving, omnipotent god would hate on people who were born in India and thus raised differently then my ass for being born in Minnesota of the Judeo-Christian sect. Circumstance would be one hell of a bitch.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.