There is no "Iraq" outside of the western colonial powers that carved the map in that way to begin with....both way back when, and now. If i were a Kurd...i would have zero qualms about claiming the right to exist in a state that was responsive to my needs, and would bitterly oppose subjugating those interests to the outsider's pipedream of a united iraqi state. There is no such thing as an ontological iraqi...and i see no profit in pandering to that delusion.
Tell that to the Iraqis. Tell that to the Kurds who, less than one year after being massacred, signed up on mass to fight Iran under the Iraqi flag. Tell that to the Shi'ia who died in the millions to fight fellow Iranian Shi'ia under the Iraqi flag. Iraq may have been an invention, but there IS an Iraq in the minds of Iraqis.
This is not a civil war. This is no different than race riots that happen all over the world. Yes, it may spill over into a Civil War, but it's not at the moment.