Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
Moussaoui has had more then a far trial, the court has bent over backwards dealing with his antics to ensure he has a fair trial. Perhaps you meant Jose Padilla, but the courts have upheld how the administration proceeded with that case.
I think you are right. I was thinking about Padilla. The one who was held for years without being charged with a crime or allowed access to a lawyer. Even if the courts did rule in favor of the administration I still believe that it was a gross violation of the US constitution. Arresting people and holding them without charging them with a crime and letting them defend themselfs is against our constitution. Case in point, every time I hear about peaceful protestors being arrested at a Bush ralley I cringe. I mean is it really a crime to where a shirt that says you don't like Bush? These people get arrested and held for a day before they are released and they have commited no crime at all. That is wrong.