Sorry Kangaeru, I am just perpetually upset by all innate smugness and holier then thou attitude from the more liberal members, coupled with the claims levied here on the boards, the little liberal one line snip bits regarding Guantanmo and the various provisions of the patriot act, all this things that are somehow violating and a threat to American liberty and ideals; everytime I provide examples, they get at best overlooked and no response.
This can even be seen even in your last post, that almost entirely changes its tone. Through out this discussion you had made comments and charges that I had responded to with facts, American law, American precedent and ignored them, then changed your direction from making broad and sweeping charges to going to hypotheticals. Furthermore and for the record, it needs to be reiterated, America is not now nor has it ever been a democracy.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.
Last edited by Mojo_PeiPei; 02-22-2006 at 03:01 PM..