Originally Posted by Ustwo
Maybe cause he just shot his friend and was more worried about his well being than looking good to a leftist press who would cruicify him for it anyways.
Very possible. I know that I would be. Yet...that still doesn't negate the fact that the sheriff was derelict. Drawing from my previous law enforcement experience, you
always get statements, and gather evidence, as soon as possible. The purpose is to preclude colaboration of "stories", and to prevent contamination of evidence. The sooner that you get the "facts" pieced together, the sooner that a real picture of the actual events becomes clear. The longer you wait, the murkier that picture becomes. Of course...just watching
any episode of CSI would tell you that.
Point is Sheriff Whatisname botched it. Bad.
I'm not implying that Cheney did anything wrong, other than experience a moment of carelessness, when he should have been his most carefull. It happens.
I am, however, implying-no, I'm outright
saying-that it's the
appearance of a cover up, that's going to leave a foul taste.