Originally Posted by stevo
A british firm (P&O) got bought out by Dubai Ports World, a UAE firm. America is not "selling the ports to an arab nation." Furthermore, DPW is going to be the manager of the ports, while port security remains in the hands of US officials. Nothing in the security changes. DHS is still in charge. The same union port workers will continue to work there. DPW isn't going to fire them all and import arab workers. Actually I think the interesting thing is going to be how DPW deals with the unions in US ports, could be something to watch.
I haven't seen panties in a bunch like this since cheney shot that lawyer.
Thank you. I was hoping someone would make this point, but I didn't have the energy to write it myself.
Bush could get some additional support for this port deal if only he could get the company execs to stage violent protests--burn several embassies and Christian churches; murder some children and Priests, and threaten a real holocaust against infidels-- you know, the normal aggrieved victim stuff. Hell, if the President played it right, he might even get Kofi Annan on his side.