Also, I simply LOVE how some here say America is big into propaganda and misinformation, yet here you are alleging our state participates broadly in torture by our handling of illegal combatants.
You are suckers to Al Qaeda propaganda, memos have been captured atesting to the fact that members are taught in claiming torture, because they know the paper tigers, the cut your nose to spite your face crowd will shrek in horror agains the Evil Empire that America is. Remember when Americans were defacing the Koran at Gitmo?!?! Oh wait that's right it was an Al Qaeda prisoner; all the stink made world wide that led to several deaths at this great and patently false story perpetuated by the likes of the American media and Al Qaeda/Anti-west agents seemed to fall on deaf ears.
I find that funny.
Your nose is bleeding. Are you going to punch back, or tuck your tail?
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.