Originally Posted by Ustwo
I'm confused.
Were these gay soldiers or is he protesting something else this time?
No, the soldiers weren't gay. From
Shirley Phelps-Roper, a daughter of Fred Phelps and an attorney for the Topeka, Kansas-based church, said neither state laws nor the Patriot Guard can silence their message that God killed the soldiers because they fought for a country that embraces homosexuals.
“The scriptures are crystal clear that when God sets out to punish a nation, it is with the sword. An IED is just a broken-up sword,” Phelps-Roper said. “Since that is his weapon of choice, our forum of choice has got to be a dead soldier’s funeral.”
There is quite an iteresting (disturbing) wiki about Phelps at
Long story short, these protests are a twisted way for him to maintain control of his "church" composed of a core of family members. The more his "cause" is ostracized, the more control he gains (as his group is further pushed into a cult status).
The Patriot Guard Riders are smart heroes in my book by using their own First Amendment rights to overwhelm the protests of Phelps. There is a time and a place for protesting, although it is within the rights of Phelps' followers, funerals should not be the place.