I'm pro-choice, and always have been. I had an abortion late 1989, three months after I met a man who would later become my husband and the father of my two children. I wanted to keep the child and he didn't. That child would be 16 this year, and I regret my decison to abort that child almost every day - in my case, the guilt has been compounded over time. Having said that, if I did have that child, would I have the two gorgeous children I have today, and be as financially secure as I am now? Was I ready to have a child? I didn't believe so at the time, and still don't really know. That was my decision and I have to accept it.
Abortion is not pleasant, whatever way you look at it, however, the handling and admistration of this drug should be closely monitored and counselling mandatory in all cases.
In terms of the "aborting ourselves out of existence" comment, it's complete hogwash. Thanks to the Federal Government, new mothers now have over 3k bonus for giving birth in terms of the Maternity Payment, creating somewhat of a baby boom over the last couple of years.
"Afterwards, the universe will explode for your pleasure."