Hmmm. I'd say that a good 75-80% of that "contract" describes the relationship Grace and I have. The difference, of course, being that for us, it's entirely consensual, and no contract of any kind is needed because I like our relationship to be this way. Heck, it was my idea in the first place and it took Grace awhile to warm up to it, though she does seem to enjoy it a lot more now that she's relaxed in the role of the dominant partner. It's also a more subtle thing; I treat Grace's suggestions as if they were orders, and she knows that that's how I'm going to interpret them, so there's actually no need to make any modifications for when we're around others. And my "reward days" tend to involve a good deal less freedom rather than more
IMO, the problem here isn't with the contract or the terms therein, it's in the lack of consent. It's like sex or bondage. If it's consensual, with both parties going along fully from the outset, it's cool. If forced on the victim, as seems to be the case here, it is an extreme form of emotional abuse.