Originally Posted by U.S. Constitution
...establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity...
No document has better described the function of government. To that end, some "liberties" are surrendered. The liberty to freely harm others without fear of punishment, for example.
Administration does sometimes cross the line, and the courts have generally held them in check. Even the most conservative SCOTUS is careful to not abrogate those liberties protected under the bill of rights. I think the wiretapping and portions of the patriot act will wind up argued in court, and some portions of the act will probably be invaldated.
However, our system does work.
To answer the question, the price of my freedom can ill be defined. The price of living under our system of governance is to me that sometimes you have to lay it all on the line. To that end, "My life, my fortune, and my sacred honor."