How about "Saving Private Ryan"? It was definitely emotionally draining the first time that I saw it, but I definitely thought about duty and self sacrifice for the next month. The opening and closing scenes brought tears to my eyes, but I spent a lot more time thinking about combat and how it changes people. It also reinforced my belief that war is something to be avoided unless there are no other options.
Then there's "Forrest Gump" which is a great movie with a philosophy that grates on me. As I see it, the guy that stays close to home and listens to what his mother tells him and doesn't experiment ends up with all the good things. Jenny, who goes out and experiences the 60's, ends up dead for it. As a runner, I still get a kick out of all scenes of running through the West, but I still find the basic message distasteful.
Can you tell my wife likes Tom Hanks?