Originally Posted by ubertuber
You'll know if I start comparing naked humiliation to beheading videos because that's what I'll write. I didn't say we were becoming the enemy, just that we're failing to live up to our own stated ideals (you know, the freedom that the terrorists hate us for...).
That wasn't fair to you, as I was waxing into the imperial 'you', I know you didn't compare them, but others have.
Besides, if it is as black-and-white as you suggest, it shouldn't be too difficult to get some indictments to go with our detentions. That's a freedom that we get as citizens of the US, and I can't think of why it would be unreasonable to give it to others as a matter of course. Of course, if it IS too difficult to produce evidence that will lead to legal proceedings, then maybe we ought to let those guys go. Until then, we're just imprisoning people because we think they MIGHT have done something wrong, and we're not even bothering to try to justify that action.
You find a man from Sudan ordering 4000 lbs of fertilizer and looking up references to 'fuel oil bombs' using your 'illegal' wiretaps on his internet. Do you wait for him to build a bomb? Proof in a court of law can NOT apply in war, thats for after its over to be sorted out. In peace a guilty man may go free for lack of an innocent man be convicted, but in war it is reversed by necessity.
Treating this as a criminal matter is what lead to the intelligence agency break down in the 90's. We didn't 'take' Bin Laden because we had no 'legal' reason to hold him when offered by Sudan. You see where that got us.