Originally Posted by ubertuber
Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, NSA wiretapping, rendition and torture... All of these things make me question what I thought the character of the US was. If we're not willing to extend our due process to others over technicalities (enemy combatants) because they aren't our citizens and they fall into a crack, then maybe we don't believe in liberty as much as we claim to.
Or maybe we are just realists when dealing with people who want to kill us and take away our liberties. Liberty is not an innate atribute to society, it is fought for, it is won, and it is defended. By not 'extending' the same rights to those who wish us evil, we do not become evil. Were they not intent in our distruction we would not feel the need to take such measures. You do not give your enemies liberty in a war and like it or not we are in a war. We have been in this war directly since the late 70's and as a culture since the first Arab took up the sword and headed west in allahs name. Hand wring all you like, pine over what never was, compare naked humiliation to beheading videos, but in the end know what side you are on.