Originally Posted by ratbastid
There are plenty of lifestyle D/s couples who are religious. I don't see any contradiction there.
Me either. He just seems batshit insane religious.
As for the rest, I respectfully disagree. I don't think the way to appease a tyrant is to submit to him until he gets it out of his system.
I know next to nothing about the whole dominate/submissive arrangement, but I've always heard there were supposed to be control words to make sure it doesn't go to far. This guy obviously didn't have those, or didn't care.
I think two people could easily arrange this relationship and have it be happy one. This one appears to have been arranged by him, unsigned by her, enforced by him. I think he could have had all the subservient women in the world, and he still would have hunted for one who defied him. And given his recent arrest, it might have been a girl.